The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44850   Message #663580
Posted By: GUEST,MC Fat
06-Mar-02 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: Beverley folk festival
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
I think floor space idea may have to be one of the premier ideas. My son is in halls at Cottingham so I could at a pinch crash with him but as you so rightly say Les it was the after time sessions that were good (although last year they were shite I remember some fat Scots bloke making an arse of himself on the Friday night ha! ha!) but at the minimum we could have a Friday night venue (Hodgsons or that club), Sat lunch the Tap/Sun (if friendly) iced Gems at Hodgsons evening sesh at club; Sun lunch Tap/Sun, Iced Gems at Hodgsons leaving the evening free for Roger's usual sesh. If Tap not available we could really roll back the years and go back to Nellies and I'm forgetting about the Tiger but perhapd we could leave that for the Mussos. I think it could be done Les.