The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44991   Message #663925
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Mar-02 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: Who were the Scots. ljc
Subject: RE: Who were the Scots. ljc
Whit d' ye mean, Greg? Tae sae that "the history of this period is 99% guesswork from very limited and contradicory sources" is hardly fair! In fact it sounds mare like a description o' the local weather report tae me, not o' the discussion at hand here.

Little John may be a somewhit "limited" source (and who is not), but the man is never contradicory! And ye shouldnae be sae critical of folk that "mutter" in incomprehensible languages...remember that the failure tae comprehend is one reflecting mare on the observer than on the speaker!

Ah've seen people that cannae comprehend the most simple instructions no matter whit ye do or whit ye sae or whit dialect ye voice it in. And whose fault is that? Lack o' comprehension is exactly the reason why haggis isnae served in Starbucks and the bagpipes are not mare popular in St. Louis than the saxophone.

Ye dinnae have tae be a rocket scientist tae ken that!

- LH