The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44991   Message #663962
Posted By: little john cameron
06-Mar-02 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: Who were the Scots. ljc
Subject: RE: Who were the Scots. ljc
Aw there ye are LH,Ah wis woderin whaur ye were.Scotty wid be prood o ye!
Maist Irish history is weel documentit baith fae a historical an' mythological perspective.The Fact that theScots were originally fae Ireland is indisputable.Fergus an' his brithers are weel covered in the Annals o Ulster Alang wi' the firbolg,DeDanaan an' aw' the ither Mythological races that hae inhabited this wee planet.
Archeological sources are noo findin oot that money o these tales are accurate,jist recordit different accordin tae the times.For instance,it is noo pretty weel acceptit aboot the great flood.
Ah aye likit the sayin"There are mair things in heaven an' earth than wis dreamt o in yer philosophy,Jimmy"
Anyway it is aw very interestin is it no?If ye dinnae unnerstaun whaur ye've been,ye'll never unnerstaun whaur ye're gaun. ljc