The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44584   Message #664092
Posted By: Steve Parkes
07-Mar-02 - 05:37 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Oh Jack the Ripper
Subject: Lyr Add: JACK THE ZIPPER (Barrie Roberts)
Barrie Roberts (a noted Ripperologist himself, of the James K Steven school) wrote this in the early seventies:

When the shades of night are falling
I dons me grubby mac,
I takes me flask of coffee
And me little sandwich pack;
I takes up my position
Behind a friendly tree,
And when the pretty ladies pass
I shows a bit of me.
    And they calls me Jack the Zipper,
    They calls me Jack the Zipper,
    They calls me Jack the Zipper
    'Cos I zips me little zip!

Some of them, they screams and faints;
Some turns pale as clay;
Some pretends the did not see,
And some they runs away:
But when I am quite certain
They've had their little see,
I zips me zipper up again
And back behind me tree.

It was on one summer's evening
At the closing of the day,
When a quite delightful lady
Came a-sauntering my way.
She wore a skin-tight sweater
And a min-skirt so cute,
But what sprang me to attention
Was her thigh-length kinky boots!

I steeped out from behind me tree
And I zipped me little zip,
But before I could retreat again She grasped me in her grip.
She flung me to the ground
And, with a dreadful chortling laugh,
She took from her bag a razor blade
And snipped me zip in half!

She stood beside me in the dock
Before the magistrate,
Who said to us, "Me fine young friends, You're in a sorry state!"
For possessing offensive weapons
We both got six months each,
But I got a little bit extra--
Bound over to keep the piece!

Not very pc, even for those days, and as for kinky boots--! Tune is "Early in the morning".
