The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44991   Message #664233
Posted By: little john cameron
07-Mar-02 - 11:44 AM
Thread Name: Who were the Scots. ljc
Subject: RE: Who were the Scots. ljc
Least o' mah worries whether ye answer oneythin a post pal.
Here's a wee bit o' Hamlet for ye no tae answer as weel.

Tae be or no tae be,ah've aye wondered aboot that? Whether ye're better aff tae pit up wi shit or tae fecht back.Maist times ah think the answer wid be jist knock yersel aff an hae a nice quiet nap.Nae daft dreams tae waken ye up an frichten the life oot o ye as ye wid be deid oneyway. Then again that wid mibbe cause anither problem as ah dinnae know whit the deid dreams micht be worse an then ye wid be scuttered. Wi aw the finaglin an crookery that goes oan in the warld at least ye get yased tae it efter a while.So mibbe stickin a big needle in yersel micht be a wee bit rash,dae ye no think?. The deil ye know micht be better then the deil ye dont know.

So ah think we're to too feart tae tak the chance.

Jist talk tae Ophelia aboot it.She knows