The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44850   Message #664382
Posted By: Sir Roger de Beverley
07-Mar-02 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: Beverley folk festival
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
Perhaps we could persuade the Beverley Chanber of Trade to make a modest contribution - say a tenner per shop and pub in the town. Attracting a festival crowd must be worth at least that to them!

Also, unless they were tipped off ahead of time, won't the council have automatically put in a reserved booking for the camping field for that weekend when they opened their accounts for the year. It is unlikely that they would have let it to anyone else is it? In which case it should be available for camping as per usual.

Perhaps we need to have a face-to-face meeting about all this and thrash out what we think may be possible.
