The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44991   Message #664640
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Mar-02 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: Who were the Scots. ljc
Subject: RE: Who were the Scots. ljc
Ach, Gawd! Ah thoct I wuid dee laughin'! Ah dinna ken whit happened tae the post Ah wis respondin' tae in mah post above. It vanished! Ah think Max may hae deleted it. It wis frae a GUEST an' he wis advisin' me tae nae spell "mare" whin Ah mean tae say "mair". A "mare" is a horse, he said. He wis absoluitly richt. Ah'm so ashamed. But it's nae reason t' git mah kilt in a knot, Ah'm larnin' as Ah go. Ah think the glo''al stop is oan o' the maist charmin' characteristics o' the Scots tongue, sae I couldna resist puttin' it in mah text. D'ye think Ah shuid drap it, then?

- LH