The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45076   Message #665008
Posted By: SharonA
08-Mar-02 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: What color is the universe? Beige?
Subject: What color is the universe? Beige?
I heard a news report on a local radio station this morning that says that astronomers at Johns Hopkins University have been trying to determine the color of the universe. They had announced back in January that it is green, but have now discovered that there was an error in their software program and that the universe is actually beige.

Beige... as in tan... as in "bleah". Kinda takes the edge off the thrill of the Final Frontier, doesn't it? "To beigely go where no man has gone before..."

I have two questions: (a) How did they conclude this; and (b) Why is it important to know this (what practical application is there for it)?

(Maybe I should add a third question: Why can't I get cool assignments like that at my job???)
