The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44850   Message #665106
Posted By: GUEST,MC Fat
08-Mar-02 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: Beverley folk festival
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
Roger I suggest it's best to stick to where the (official)festival should have been placed. The offer from the Dog sounds good. Perhaps they (and other hostelries) may be able to screw some dosh from their suppliers ? If we got some money it could go to helping get people backwards and forwards to Racecourse or Cottingham (or wherever)and maybe help with a bit of publicity/posters once we know things are firmed up. I'd be happy to help with any Desk Top Publishing as I'm sure Les would as well !!!So is it looking like interested pubs as ? Dog, Tap/Sun (?), Nellies (?), Tiger (?), Hodgsons (?) suppose there would be the usual split of the mussos etc they're used to using the Tiger or rooms at Nellies. God it nearly sounds like an organising committee !!!