The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45055 Message #665169
Posted By: gnu
08-Mar-02 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: gnu needs our help
Subject: RE: BS: gnu needs our help
Thanks all. BTW, I didn't make the rules. All I did was copy and paste them cause I thought some of them were cute. It was only meant in a humourous way and should be taken as such. I deny that such a post indicates that I hate women in general. It may indiacte that I had two or twelve b'day ales, but I realize that it is not PC to advocate the use of alcohol either, and I also realize thereby that this does not absolve me of any form of misjudgement in posting. Therefore, if anyone, male or female or otherwise, read any further than the first rule and was offended, well, f*** 'em if they can't take a joke.