The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44850   Message #665252
Posted By: Sir Roger de Beverley
08-Mar-02 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: Beverley folk festival
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
I agree with Jim that if we could have "official" sessions in the Tap/Sun and the Tiger as normal that would be the basis of the whole thing(did you say that you would try out Johnny and Ray about running that, Jim?).

Other folk friendly pubs would offer the fringe of the fringe on an ad hoc basis and then if, say, three or four pubs would put on a paid act by adjusting their normal policy to cover each evening of the weekend we don't need anything else.

I'll approach the new people at the Sun and /Brid Widder offered to talk to Hodgsons - anyone know the management of the Tiger/Nellies/Forresters/Mariners?

Could we then approach the Chamber of Trade and/or the Licensed Victuallers to pay for printing and distributing leaflets and posters around the clubs? We need to tell people that something is going on because the message will have gone out that it is all off. Anyone have a contact in folk radio? Anyone know the copy date for the next Tykes News etc?

Are we looking at the weekend of the 14/15/16th June as that is the equivalent to last years dates?

So what do we call what we have created here? "Not the Beverley Folk Festival", "Beverley Fringe Festival", "Beverley - Back to Basics"?

John - yes the Tuesdays are still happening at the Sun and we should be there this coming Tuesday: I missed the last one because of my father but they managed without me.
