The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3972   Message #665422
Posted By: hobbitwoman
08-Mar-02 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: St. Patrick's Day favourites (songs)
Subject: RE: St. Patrick's Day favourites
Well, I'm at least third-generation Irish American, and lately I've been getting into the music of the Chieftans, Clannad, etc., and know I have a lot to learn, but there's something about it - it must be in the blood because I wasn't raised on it, that's for sure. Please don't stone me, anyone, but all that tura-lura-lura stuff makes me gag!! When we go out for the High Holy Day, which I haven't done in recent years after having been squashed into the wall at the local "Irish" pub 3 yrs. ago when 500 people crammed into a space made for 125 (maybe) and broke every fire law on the books, we get into the "drinking" songs and the "rebel" songs and anything we can participate in and/or bang our hands on the table so hard people have to hang onto their drinks - attracted the attention of the performer the last time we were out so that he came over and visited w/ us during his break. He appreciated our participation, I know he did! Anyway, I'll also confess to liking the Unicorn - hell, we even have a dance we do to it! Anyway it's all about having a good time and not taking oneself too seriously as far as I'm concerned.
