The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45109   Message #665703
Posted By: Jon Freeman
09-Mar-02 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: Quiz 2 Instru--mental)
Subject: RE: Quiz 2 Instru--mental)
In the interest of those who come along later and wish to take the quiz, I've magically turned Jon's answers white. (Not deleted, just invisible.) Jon, if you want the editing reversed, please let me know. --JC
I know they are not all right but here goes...

1, The Magic Flue
2, Mr. Tambourine Man
3, Zither
4, Harmonica
5, Nose Flute
6, Harp
7, Bodhran
8, Flute
9, Lyre
10, Dizzy Gillespie
11, Xylophone
12, Fife
13, Horn
14, Horn
15, Drum
16, Cornet
17, Virginal
18, Euphonium
19, Belle
20, Bells