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Thread #45130   Message #666012
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Mar-02 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: Time Machine - Excellent movie!
Subject: Time Machine - Excellent movie!
I just saw The Time Machine, and it's really a good film, IMO. It takes the old H.G.Wells story (which is a great one) and adds some fresh new ideas to the plot which actually improve on the original story. They had the good sense to start it in the Victorian era (but in New York City)...rather than doing it in modern times, and this makes for some visually wonderful scenes. In fact, there are beautiful and very imaginative scenes throughout this movie.

The movie also benefits from the fact that its main protagonist is not your typical Hollywood hunk/poster boy, but a man who comes across as real, complex, and entirely human...a thinking man.

The Morlocks are more formidable than in the original story, and quite reminiscent of other monsters seen in recent films (like Lord of the Rings), but that does not detract from the film.

The time machine itself is a marvelous looking contraption...Victorian in appearance, yet convincing as a high-tech device at the same time.

Damn good movie, in my opinion.

You could do this story 2 ways....either a faithful rendition of the original in all respects, which could be very good...or a new take like this one, which is also very good. I enjoyed it thoroughly, which was a real pleasure after seeing quite a few other movies lately which made me feel I'd wasted my money and my time.

- LH