The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9985   Message #66626
Posted By: Sandy Paton
29-Mar-99 - 03:16 AM
Thread Name: Happy Birthday Katlaughing-A Spanking is Due
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday Katlaughing-A Spanking is Due
Y'know, that Catspaw feller occasionally lets his real nature slip out in public for us all to see. He did it right up there, quoting from the Bhagavad-Gita, and meaning it!

I saw your report on Cletus and Paw, Cat. Thought I oughta warn poor Animaterra that those ridge-running rowdies were headed her way, too, and get her to lock the doors and hide her Seagull under the bed till they passed by on their way to Maine. Just hadn't got around to it yet. My Caroline's away for a week, and I've had to fend for myself. Amazing, how much she does when I'm not looking!

Rick and Heather are still here, and he's read a few threads over my shoulder, but he swears he'll wait until he gets home to catch up with you.
