Normally I wouldn't bring my own personal problems to this place that always, well mostly, brings me happiness. Maybe in days gone by, but not so much now. Sometime I feel a stranger here... but I need help and there is really no one else to turn to.About a month ago, my daughter called and told me she couldn't stand up and kept falling over. She laughed about it. Everyone, including me and her doctor, thought it was vertigo, and that is what she was treated for.
A week later, she couldn't control the actions of her left arm. This frightened us and her doctor sent her for an MRI immediately. They found 8 or more lesions on her brain. It was either MS or brain cancer and they were going to do a biopsy of her brain.
She was sent to another neurologist for a second opinion and he took her to a different hospital. He told her there was no need for a brain biopsy just yet and he did a spinal tap. He filled her with steriods and sent her home until they had the results from the spinal tap.
That's when her left leg became hard to control.
Otherwise, she was feeling much better. Her speech, which had also deteriorated, was much better. She was able to stand and walk much better (though she walked with an odd gate) and her doctor told her she seemed 80% better. He told her that it was possible that this was a one time thing and that she may never have another "episode" again.
Saturday, she called me and she was frightened. She was having trouble with her eyes. At times her site was blurry and at other time she just saw blotches of stuff. She said to me "Mom, I don't want to be sick the rest of my life". She's 32 and has three children.
The doctor told her there was no evidence of MS in the spinal tap and he wasn't sure what was wrong. He's sending her for anther MRI on Thursday to see if there are more lesions. He told here that she was too nice a person and he didn't want her to have MS. Gee...
My fear is this guy doesn't know what the hell he is doing!! I told her to call her primary and tell him she wasn't happy with this doctor.
She is afraid he will send her back to the first doctor who wanted to give her a biopsy in the first place. I'm wondering if this may have been the better course.
She told me that we'll wait until we get the results of the MRI before we make the next move.
So, here I am...Scared, angry, helpless.
I don't know what is the best action for her and worse, I have no say in it anyway.
I raised my children to be very independant and they are.
This may be the worse thing that has ever happened to me.
I'm sorry to bother you, but I just don't know..
Love, Annamill