The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45210   Message #667332
Posted By: Mary in Kentucky
11-Mar-02 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: No where else to go...
Subject: RE: BS: No where else to go...
Just thought of several more things that you and Amy need to know now:

1) DO NOT TELL her boss...yet. The first instinct is to immediately spill your guts. Don't tell anyone until you've studied the pros and cons of what is best for you.

2) DO NOT VOLUNTEER the information to an insurance person that you even saw a neurologist. They can "diagnose" you even before a doctor does. Many doctors puposely don't put things on your record that may hurt your insurability.

3) Some referral clinics may not be covered by insurance.

4) The National MS Society webpage is here [] I've found it to be exceptional. Local chapters are everywhere, and they are EXTREMELY helpful with ANYTHING you need.