The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44301   Message #667595
Posted By: greg stephens
12-Mar-02 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: Songs with only 2 chords
Subject: RE: Songs with only 2 chords
Two very appropriate quotes from Woody Guthrie,. " I've pounded out "Ida Red","Old Joe Clark", Old Judge Parker take your Shackles Offa Me" foras high as thirty or forty minutes with no more than two chords,D to A, D to A and D to A ten blue jillion times through a square dance. Lots of the old fullblood fiddlers will toss youdown from the platform if you go to getting too fancy with your chording". And also:" I only used straight C chord all the way down the line on the "Buffalo Skinners",just CCCCCCCCCCC and right down to Birmingham and then on down toJacksboro and then out past El Paso and then on up into New Mexico.CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC picking finger style". He also didn't think much chord books. " I can't play any chord by looking at any book and never could" and "I'll bet you chording books that Leadbelly has used in his greening and grey years wouldn't make a pile bigenough for you to find on your floor" Righton, Woody!