The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45210   Message #667833
Posted By: Mudlark
12-Mar-02 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: No where else to go...
Subject: RE: BS: No where else to go...
Ann...Just wanted to add my best wishes for a speedy resolution. It sounds like Amy is very frightened right now, as well she would be. All the more need for her to have a good support team with her when she sees docs, so important questions can be remembered and asked (and the answers remembered!). Fear is so debilitating, it helps to have strong voices with you at such times, no matter how independent, to press for information, to be willing to raise uncomfortable issues, and to let the medical machine KNOW that the patient is not alone, not to be intimidated or not fully brot into the picture. Also, Amy should be very upfront about her fears...there are lots of things that can be done, even for very unpleasant tests, to help ease pain and anxiety. This is one place where stoicism is not called for! I'm just very glad you brought this huge worry to Mudcat...thank you for telling us what is going on with you.

My thoughts are with you and Amy....Nancy