The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45076   Message #668059
Posted By: The Pooka
12-Mar-02 - 10:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: What color is the universe? Beige?
Subject: RE: BS: What color is the universe? Beige?
God may be a Committee, a Smart Decorator, and All Thangs Great & Small. However, according to Einstein, She "does not play dice." Uncle Albert just wasn't too sure about Uncertainty, y'see. Didn't wanna make that Quantum leap. So evidently God is omnipresent, with the exception of Las Vegas. Now what this has to do wih the Universal Hue I'll *never* know but I say Yeah! let' keep this unmoored thread a-drift! Belay that anchor! Avast them scuppers & batten down the mainmast! Ha-HARRR! We'll creep if we want to, see? After all, are we Moles or are we Mice?
Bob Bolton, nous avons les officiales mousee ici dans l'Amerique aussi, aussie. As writer David Barry so patriotically put it, "They're all idiots and I stand behind them 100%." But Vice President Cheney is our Main Mole. He's always in an underground bunker somewhere. What fear, y'know. (Fear of what, you ask? Fear Itself, sez I.)