The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45210   Message #668228
Posted By: catspaw49
13-Mar-02 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: No where else to go...
Subject: RE: BS: No where else to go...
Mick said: "There is so much that I love about The Mudcat, but there is one thing I hate. I have so many friends now, that live in distant places and it leaves me feeling helpless at times like this."..............Yep. Once in awhile even the Mick the Thong Stuffer hits the nail on the head! Now if we could just teach the big, dumb, Mick, not to hit the nail with his head, there's no telling what other gems he might crank out.

Seriously, it frustrates the hell out of me many times not to be able to be there in 3D, just to spend a few hours, give out a few hugs, get some in return, and generally just do the things that can only happen in 3D. But I hope that the virtual hugs we all give and the love we share in this weird place can somehow suffice for now for you and Amy (and Kendall, and Art, and Lyrical Lady, and Mrrzy, and.......)........You've got all my best Anna and all I have to give.
