The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45219   Message #669505
Posted By: Áine
14-Mar-02 - 09:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cornbread & the Weird Synchronicity of Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Cornbread&theWeirdSynchronicity ofMudcat
Hey there, you saggy-assed tortoise! ;-) Geez, are you trying to upstage my bad back with this lil' episode, or what? (hahaha) And this cornbread thing -- while I've been 'off me pegs', Dear Hubby has learned to cook (. . . insert group gasp here . . .) and his best dish so far is cornbread. Is the Higher Power(s) trying to tell me something?

Amos told me that he sent you a soundfile of the song he and I wrote for you awhile back, It's In His Heart to aid in your most recent recovery -- I suggested that we do a rewrite, but he poo-pooed the idea of sending you a song called It's In His Ass.

I love you, ya old buggah. Do what those quacks tell you to do, we all need you more than you know.

Hugs and snogs (yeah, even on that old saggy tortoise ass of yours), Áine