The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45320   Message #669716
Posted By: catspaw49
15-Mar-02 - 07:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gay Adoption-Yea or Nay
Subject: RE: BS: Gay Adoption-Yea or Nay
Before I warp drive off into one of my well known tirades on the problems with adoption and the legal system, etc........Let me give you some more gist for your mills.

Gay adoption? Let's add as was mentioned above, what are your thoughts on single parent adoption? Or what about cross racial adoption? Or cross cultural adoption? How about open adoption? Or sibling groups? Or let's think about one of my favorites, big-bucks adoptions and foreign adoption.

And before you run off on the "love conquers all" tangent, do you believe that the same parenting skills that apply in biological parenting are what is needed by adoptive parents, or is there something more needed? Did you know that the majority of adoptions of 12 year old children fail? Did you know the massive numbers of children out there available for adoption are between 5 and 14 years old?

Think about those as you go along with the discussion. There is a solution and it's not too difficult to see, but the solution involves one of those great "god-playing" scenarios that we so fear. The legal system needs changed and the laws need changed before anything will happen of significance. We've won a few battles in the past ten years, but we've lost some too. And when the laws change the next change must be in attitude toward adoption and the underlying bigotry that some don't see because it's so deeply ingrained.

Just more food for thought folks..............
