The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45320   Message #669887
Posted By: Sorcha
15-Mar-02 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gay Adoption-Yea or Nay
Subject: RE: BS: Gay Adoption-Yea or Nay
alanabit--other people provided children for them--how do you see this? Any one who donates to a sperm/egg bank has no say in what happens to their zygotes. Why is this "providing for them"?

Bullfrog--I seriously doubt that at the time of an adoption, any child is of a Declared Sexuality. My very best-est friend in my life says:
"I never knew I was raising a gay daughter--it never entered my head that it was possible." Yet, her daughter and mate are the joys of her life.

If your biological child turned out gay, what would you do? How would that be any different from adopting a child who turned out gay? If you were trying to make a funny, it didn't come out that way on my end.

My Bottom Line---ANYONE who has good parenting skills and is ready to have a child should be allowed to have as many as they feel CAPABLE OF HAVING.

Obviously, Andrea Yates did NOT feel CAPABLE of having as many as her husband apparently forced her to. I know, I know, this is a whole 'nother ball game, but in most religious communities which advocate many children the children and family have the TOTAL support of BOTH parents. Financial, physical, emotional, the whole ball of string.

It appears that Andrea had none of the above, except the dictate of her Husband to Have More Babies.........and deal with all of their needs alone while he was off doing whatever men like that do.

ooopss----there is more, but I'll stop now. Sorry, rant over.