The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45341   Message #669902
Posted By: Áine
15-Mar-02 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: Aine Springs Forth (or is that Back?)
Subject: Aine Springs Forth (or is that Back?)
Well, whichever way I should be going, I'm still going slowly. However, I got a 'well done' from the surgeon yesterday at the one month checkup, and even a "you're how old?" The catch is that he wants me walking two miles a day, three times a week, within five weeks. Geez, don't expect much, do he? ;-)

As some of you know, I've been coming back to the keyboard (and microphone) one baby step at a time. I nearly cried for joy last week when I finally felt like singing again -- hadn't felt that way in a LONG time now. And I apologize to the few of you who received the soundfile I made from my excitement . . .

Anyways, Layne (Dear Hubby) and I want to thank all of you who held us in your hearts, thoughts and prayers during this time of pain, and now, thankfully, recovery. Thank you all for the laughs (even though it hurt like hell to cough, much less guffaw at some of your comments!) and for the 'power of the Mudcat' that we drew upon during the worst times of it all. I have to admit that I've never had better friends than you folks here, 'nuff said. I love you all.

In closing my first 'Offical Hot Dang I'm Back' message, I'd like to quote my granddaddy -- 'I've got my foot in the stirrup; but, I ain't back in the saddle yet' -- meaning, my energy level ain't up to kicking up a new Song Challenge! just yet -- but, give me a few days, OK?

And here's a special hug to all the Mudcatters who've had so much trouble while I've been away. You've all been in my heart and prayers, even though I wasn't around to tell you so.

Heck, here's big hugs and snogs to all of the rest of you, too -- on all four cheeks! ;-)

-- Áine