The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45383   Message #670441
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Mar-02 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are you ashamed to be American?
Subject: RE: Are you ashamed to be American?
You're starting to sound like Paul McCartney, Larry! :-)

GUEST, Janet - You raise some worthwhile points there, but you picked a pretty tactless thread title to start it off with. However, I'm sure it will attract attention to the way or another.

Mah fellow Ay-Murricans...Ah would advise yew, as a Canadian brother livin' tew the North of yew, not to git all lathered up abowyt the tahtle o' this here thread. If'n y'all don't lose yer tempers, y'll danged well be a whole lot farther ahaid in the eynd than if'n y' dew.

Now Ah hev beyen somewhut critical of the ol' US of A on more'n a few occasions, mahseylf, but Ah hev never suggested thet y'all should be ashamed of whut God and destiny has made yew.

Take mah advice and stay cool. :-)

- LH