The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10039   Message #67060
Posted By: Night Owl
31-Mar-99 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Book: Suggested Threads
Subject: RE: Mudcat Book: Suggested Threads
Thanks, Ferrara, for this one. I'm trying to organize my own brain (an impossible job) with which threads I've enjoyed the most etc. I started with trying to trace specific threads and got overwhelmed immediately-realized I've forgotten some of the names of threads that had quick quips in them that were priceless to me. I also realized that my "tracer" page is mostly political threads, but that what I value most about Mudcat is the humor and ability to respond to desparate pleas for help with obscure lyrics and tunes coupled with the usable advice such as "Tuning Guitars" and "Better Singing" (I've been yawning since reading the singing works!!!) Although I'm relatively new here, I'm still excited about the idea of having something, in print, that ....???????I dunno.....reflects the role mudcats is playing in our lives?...For me personally...the amazing support that comes through in the Music Therapy thread??? How my feelings of isolation stopped immediately when I read the responses?????????Also, I know its premature to be thinking about Titles, but want to say this before I lose the thought......I just returned home from visiting a former co-worker, (who also did his "job" from the heart)who is recuperating, slowly, from triple by-pass heart surgery-doing well--his conversation was replete with comments about hanging on "by a thread" when the heart attack first happened. When I walked into my home, the first thing I did was turn this here computor on to read any new threads, (maybe get my daily dose of humor I find here)...and was just thinking......."Life by a Thread".