The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45383   Message #670760
Posted By: The Pooka
17-Mar-02 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are you ashamed to be American?
Subject: RE: Are you ashamed to be American?
Appreciate your kind Evel Kneivel Award there, Lonesome EJ. I also wanna thank my Pokey Mom, my Pooker Dad, & my Puckish Agent: the Axis of Evel.

Although you didn't axe, lemme just add that we big invisible rabbits *have* to get good at navigating trollholes & foxy briarpatches: they can't see us, yknow. It's all up to our own translucent whiskers & lucky 4th-dimensional feet.

While the Political Posts are often aggravating, I agree with some other members that they are by no means always unrelated to the Forum's raison d'etre (though admittedly I haven't found the chords for Guest Janet's yet). ("Still Crazy After All These Years"??)

But I'm trying to work up a Grand Unification Theory for the occasional (periodic table of the?) *Science* threads, and the Music. This is risky, chiefly due to my profound ignorance of the subjects, "whilst" (as Guest J might say) surrounded by honest-to-God experts on both. But Pukkakneivel may yet ride his bunnykawasaki right down *that* ole black hole & nae more be seen again above the event horizon. (Awright, who yelled "Second the motion"? Too many wisearses in this Mud :)

Well, a Happy St. Patrick's Day to all; and if ye should stumble into a hole, just remember the mystical celtical incantation: Erin Faugh Doon an' Go "Bragh!"