The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45320   Message #670836
Posted By: Celtic Soul
17-Mar-02 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gay Adoption-Yea or Nay
Subject: RE: BS: Gay Adoption-Yea or Nay
So long as the people in question are not supporters/believers of NAMBLA...

In my opinion, adoption should be based on a person or couples mental health. If they are healthy, sane, loving people, that should be the criteria, period. Gender, race, religion etc. should not matter.

However, there are still those in the mental health community who say that homosexuality itself is a pathological problem coming from early childhood issues and traumas, indicating that, if the person in question *is* homosexual, there automatically are inherant mental issues.

The flip side of the argument is that it is simply something that each gay person is hardwired for, that there is a "gay gene", and that it is no more a pathological problem than is heterosexuality.

I say the jury is still out, and until one side or the other proves it's case, *nothing* should be based on ones sexual preference alone. It should always be about the individual, their character, and their abilities. Frankly, I think this not a bad modality of thought concerning a great many issues...

However, I like Seamus' answer a great deal more. Very clever and funny...wish I'd thought of it first.