The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45382   Message #671012
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
17-Mar-02 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Catholic Bishop and Priest Scandal
Subject: RE: BS: Catholic Bishop and Priest Scandal
So maybe this issue is not confined to the catholic, nor even the Christian church. But what is so particularly despicable about the catholic church is that (contrary to what Misophist said in respect of churches in general) it does indeed set its clergy apart.

They are elevated to a supra-human level as agents of Christ, so much so that women are deemed unfit to do the job. (Except that in the face of a desperate shortage of clergy, women are now allowed to ferry the precious flesh around in their handbags and minister it to those who can't make it to mass.)

Most obnoxious of all, the laity of the catholic church is required to disburden its most intimate transgressions to these people, in the sacrament of confession. Truly a pervert's paradise.

It gave the church fantastic leverage in mediaeval times, an effect still in evidence as recently as 20 years ago in some primitively catholic communities, not least in rural Ireland.

Fortunately episodes like the exposure of Bishop Eamonn Casey and the convicting of Father Brendan Smyth have changed all that. (It was procrastination in sending Smyth north to face justice for 30 years of abuse that brought down the Irish government in 1994.)

The other thing that sets the catholic church apart is the truly fantastic efforts it has made to protect the guilty, and even facilitate their abusive behaviour, usually by moving them quietly to new parishes where their perversions are wholly unsuspected.

Witness the case of Dr Ward, the forcibly retired archishop of Cardiff, who appointed a priest in the full knowledge that he was an abuser, and who was himself under police investigation for about a year. In a touching show of loyalty, the pope moved heaven and earth to avoid sacking him.

And Sinsull, the problem is not new. What is new is that people have been brave enough to speak out, and stick to their guns, even in the face of the sactimonious arrogance, indifference and even contempt with which their complaints have been met by the catholic hierarchy.

Thanks largely to that brave few, it has become much easier for others to speak out, and now the floodgates are wide open. In Ireland the catholic church has recently offered to pay out £70m (yes, seventy million pounds!)to victims of abuse and their families. Many families are outraged even by this gesture, because of the strings attached. It is, in efect, a grubby bribe, to keep the whole pile of shit from getting into court. (Does that answer your question gnu?)

each individual Catholic needs to decide what their relationship to the Church is - well fair enough, DmG, but for my money anyone who stays within the fold does so knowing full well what kind of a hierarchy they've got. Since catholics by definition believe in God, why not settle for a relationship with God and let the churh take a back seat?