The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45383   Message #671352
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Mar-02 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are you ashamed to be American?
Subject: RE: Are you ashamed to be American?
Kendall - You have the temerity to suggest that Rosie diManno would ever say anthing not totally original!?? :-)

I think she's probably around 50, that's my guess, and she's a feisty of those women who's about 5 feet tall, tough as hell, and determined as a pit bull. I don't always agree with her, but she never fails to be interesting and articulate. I think she said "Bite me" to our detested premier Mike Harris mostly just to be funny and to show her utter contempt for Mikey, who has gutted Ontario during his last 2 terms in office.

In his wake, banks and big business are richer...the rich are richer...and everyone else is poorer. The provincial government has created the illusion of "fiscal responsibility" by downloading a huge share of its traditional expenses onto the towns and cities (thus robbing Peter to pay Paul)...conservative doublespeak, nothing more.

Mike Harris, of course, is among the rich, and has been since birth, so his policies appear to be extremely enlightened from his own point of view.

Canadian thread drift...

- LH