The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45383   Message #671542
Posted By: GUEST,Victim of IRA
18-Mar-02 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are you ashamed to be American?
Subject: RE: Are you ashamed to be American?
Pete, what dear old confused person sent the shipments of weapons to the IRA. You have gave the weakest excuse why funds are raised for terrorists. Would you accept the same reasoning on the funding Al qaeda gets, some confused muslims. But hey it makes people feel good to accept your excuse, it exonerates them from the act of contributing funds to a terrorist group that murders innocent people, what a patronising head in the ground excuse. "I gave money to the cause but I did not really know what the cause was" "Oh it was used to fund the IRA" "Who are the IRA again?" Are Americans that stupid?