The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44791   Message #672178
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
19-Mar-02 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: 'O Brother Where Art Thou'!!
Subject: RE: 'O Brother Where Art Thou'!!
I'd never heard of George Clooney till I saw the film. I had to wait till the end credits, wondering what the name might be of that bloke who looked a bit like Clark Gable.

I always sit through the end credits, because often those are the bits with the best music. Around me the cinema empties while they all rush for the exit, and the ushers wait to come in and clean up the place. I don't understand the rush.

People do seem to worry an awful lot about whether a fictional film is accurate. How can something that lasts a couple of hours be accurate when it's telling a story about something that happens over the course of days or weeks or years? Is it true, that's what matters, and truth isn't about accuracy on the factual details.

And why on earth should a movie that throws in a few joking references to the Odyssey be slagged off for not sticking closer to Homer. I mean, The Odyssey isn't exactly a factual account of anything.