The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45382   Message #672298
Posted By: Amos
19-Mar-02 - 09:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Catholic Bishop and Priest Scandal
Subject: RE: BS: Catholic Bishop and Priest Scandal
The distortions of power in th espiritual racket are many. It might help to recall that those whose sins are now in the headlines were themselves so violently abused, whether physically or emotionally, that they were able to fall into such a criminal position. This makes it no less forgiveable, certainly. But these are people whose whole sense of power has been deeply twisted and wrenched into a perversion , which they then perpetuate and dramatize.

I think you'll find that celibacy does contribute some part to the syndrome, if I may use that word, because as an authoritarian enforcement it can easily become aperversion of its own no matter how spiritual it may have seemed at first blush (so to speak). But I don't think it is core.

Rick -- forgive me if I implied I feel otherwise about complancency and collusion on anyone's part in such a sordid tragedy. I think they should all be sold down the river and made to wash cookpots the rest opf their days. I was simply glad to see the ugly business opened up to a little daylight.
