The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45382   Message #673765
Posted By: GUEST,
21-Mar-02 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Catholic Bishop and Priest Scandal
Subject: RE: BS: Catholic Bishop and Priest Scandal
I am Catholic, as are probably a number of people here. It certainly touches us in Ireland, Australia, and the U.S...We are the protectors of traditional music, and when we die some will be lost. It all ties in to me. Some of these cases have not been proven in a court of law because they have not been referred to a court of law; in fact there has been some obstruction of justice in failing to report crimes of this nature. There will be false accusations, increasingly, as vast sums of money are seen. We'll have to deal with them as well as we can....there will be a tension between protecting the victims and trying to avoid false accusations. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. But we have to err in the direction of protecting children. mg