The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45497   Message #673884
Posted By: alanabit
22-Mar-02 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: The Guthries...Questions and Comments
Subject: RE: The Guthries...Questions and Comments
There was a query earlier here about whether Arlo inherited his father's illness. Arlo is not at risk.It is Woody Guthrie's daughters who are. Huntingdon's Chorea is passed down across the gender lines. The son can inherit from the mother and the daughter can inherit from the father. From what I know (and there are plenty more knwledgeable Catters than me on this subject) the disease was first really recognised only a short time before Guthrie senior was diagnosed. I believe that the outlook for today's sufferers is more hopeful, as drugs can be used to control the condition. Good luck and good health to all the Guthries.