The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10068   Message #67452
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
01-Apr-99 - 08:08 PM
Thread Name: The Mudcat is Closing its Doors
Subject: RE: The Mudcat is Closing its Doors
Well my logical side said the only warning we would really get would be a notice that the site was no longer in service. My emotional side said, "Well, it could be." I am glad to know it was a joke, albeit somewhat ill considered. This is the first time I've had any negative feelings towards Max.

I never fail to wonder at the amount of time Max and his comrades at Onstage and Dick and Susan must put in to make all of this happen. I did send gratitude this month or last in the form of a check. I suspect no one is getting rich out there, but $20 or $50 American dollars (or the equivalent) on an annual basis is probably possible. A few less sets of strings, two less CD's, one or two less songbooks, whatever. If you want to donate, just click on the Support the Mudcat logo and scroll down. All the information is there.

I will sleep easier tonight knowing that the Mudcat is a safe a little while longer.

I believe we can hold two opposite feelings in our hearts for at least a little bit of time and thats how I am about Max. I love him and I am grateful and in awe for all that he has done and I hate his guts for this dirty little joke. I will forgive in time, I know, its my nature.

Roger in Baltimore