The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45613   Message #674980
Posted By: Sorcha
23-Mar-02 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tips for Getting Organized
Subject: RE: BS: Tips for Getting Organized
One room at a time.
If I haven't seen it, used it, or worn it in "X" amount of time, it's gone.
I keep recipts until the Warranty is expired, and write the date I bought an appliance on the instruction booklet.
Tax stuff only needs to be saved for 7 years.
Shred or burn anything with an account number on it.
If you can't stand to get rid of it, pack it away for a few months then decide.
(It's all a sham--you should see the dirt in this house.....when you live with Animals, you become immune to a certain amount of dirt and hair!)