The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45613   Message #674989
Posted By: Bat Goddess
23-Mar-02 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tips for Getting Organized
Subject: RE: BS: Tips for Getting Organized
Mostly get rid of stuff. Amazing how it accumulates. "Gonna need this some day." Well, when 20 years has gone by and you still haven't used it, you probably could really use the cubic footage.

Just had an epiphany a couple weeks ago, sitting in bed on a Sunday morning. That lovely antique loveseat that I've been moving around for 27 years -- it's never going to get reupholstered in my lifetime. And what's more, even if I DID get it reupholstered, I have no place to put it. (It's had a piece of plywood and a tablecloth over it for the past 20 years.) Gonna convert it into little pieces of green paper with dead presidents on them. The loveseat and a few more pieces of impedimenta. As soon as our favorite antique furniture dealer can get his truck down our driveway without losing it in the mud.
