The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45608   Message #675008
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Mar-02 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ruins on Mars???
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
Amos - Aw, geez...

"the desperate search for Patterns with Higher Meaning, the favorite indoor hobby of those uncomfortable with their present lives and fleeing from more immediate hard questions, will answer up to anything leading to higher powers, more ancient beginnings, cosmic interactions, or anything else that will provide a distraction from cleaning up the old living room!!"

That's hitting pretty close to home, Amos! I've got this end of the year inventory sheet to do for the company tax return...and a whole whack of expense receipts to search through for my medical expenses...and I would much rather put it off and look for Patterns of Higher Meaning! (Argh! Whine! Snivel! &%*%**!!!) Here I am, wracking my brains trying to find a way to procrastinate and you have the gall

You are Soooo heartless! Phooey!

And those unconscionable remarks about William Shatner! They never announce HIM leaving a building because they're afraid it will start a riot or cause a stampede for the exits. Elvis is dead, but Shatner Lives! What more can I say?

The Pooka - You're absolutely right! It's because they WANT TO BELIEVE!!! I, for one, want to believe that there is life all over the Universe, not just here, and I'm always delighted to hear of anything suggesting it is so...

- LH