The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45613   Message #675067
Posted By: Peter T.
23-Mar-02 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tips for Getting Organized
Subject: RE: BS: Tips for Getting Organized
I am emptying a house. Worth considering (focussing on paper):

Put all photo albums, letters, nostalgia items in one place, file, box, marked WALLOW. Don't try and file any of those in between sorting anything else, they will eat up all your time, decision making. Deliberately set aside time to look at them.

Put things into some container of some kind. Don't have stray pieces of paper, junk, etc. Even a box marked DON'T KNOW is better than stray bits.

Paper files. The important thing is not to spend your time doing detailed files, unless you like doing it. It will take forever, and you will get bored and stop. Stay at a higher level of generality. The best thing I ever did was to shift from filing cabinets to those small upright magazine fileboxes (labelled). This is infinitely faster than making detailed special individual files, and you can find anything there in seconds.

Always use new file folders if you have to use file folders. You will feel better. Use big magic markers to label -- no more than two or three words.

Marks and Spencer's rule: throw out is the default -- hold up the piece of paper, etc., and say, if this disappeared would it be a problem? Could it be replaced, would it matter, etc.

Paper management people say that one reason why people leave flies, etc., all over is that they are afraid that if they go into storage, one will forget about them, and not do what needs to be done with them. Put these files in a box or drawer marked "TO BE LOOKED AT", so you won't forget them. (Then you will forget them, but it doesn't matter, they never get done anyway, but you will lose the clutter and the anxiety).

yours, Peter T.