The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45610   Message #675092
Posted By: katlaughing
23-Mar-02 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative health treatments
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative health treatments
Celtic Soul, I have used a mixed-bag for years, for various things, much as Spaw describes Sister Connie has done, BUT I would urge folks to look into alternatives at the same time as they are getting info from allopathic practitioners, too.

I've had some kidney problems over the past couple of years which they have never really been able to diagnose as anything specific. Last Dec. the specialist wanted to do an arteriogram, then possible angioplasty on one of them. I said fine as long as my acupuncturist could be there to treat my back, as one has to stay flat for several hours afterwards and I've been there before and was not willing to go there, again, without the acu's help. My doc and the specialist said fine; the surgeon wouldn't even discuss it. In fact, he wanted to talk with me about the surgery ONLY on the morning of! So I said no thanks and went back to the acu-guy.

I have been going in for acupuncture treatments, not specific to my kidneys, but a variety of things which have built up over the years, which are related. I have had regular checkups with my doc, including blood and urine. All protein and blood which had been showing up in my urine, off and on, for two years, is gone and has been for 3 months, now. My docs have no explanation, but I believe it is because of Chinese medicine, including the acupuncture. Everyone who sees me notices how much better my colour is and a myriad of other things. For me, Chinese medicine, sans any animal parts, strikes a harmonious chord within my soul and I know that it is right for me. It is a tradition I intend to follow for life.

This does not mean I will never go to an allopathic physician ever again and I have not gone off my oxygen nor my meds, BUT those are long-term goals of acupuncture and a balancing in all ways, including emotional, physical, and spiritual.

For peri-men o'pause and men o'pause: tincture of dandelion root and tincture of motherwort worked very well for me. I've never had to take hormones and it was never a big deal. I did take to wearing pyjamas again, as with night sweats, it was easier to change them, instead of the sheets everyday!:-)

This week, I fell very hard on the ice. Landed on my left shin and bent back my left hand. All kinds of other spots were impacted including my left ankle and foot. Lots of shaking up and bruises expected.

Within the hour I had arnica pellets to melt under my tongue, a homeopathic treatment for bruising and shaking, and I had a tincture called geng fu shui (middle bone water) which I kept my shin and arm damp with, using gauze. I kept up the application of that and am still using the arnica pellets. That happened on Wednesday. While I do have some swelling and tenderness, I do not have the horrible stiffness, achiness, nor bruises I would have expected just using conventional RICE treatments (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate, if I remember right.)

I also used the above tincture on the tennis elbow I'd asked for advice for a couple of months ago. It, combined with acupuncture, has totally taken care of it. When my regular doc saw me last Monday, he was amazed.

I have also had friends with liver problems from AIDS use dandelion root tincture with excellent effect, in fact it is known as a good general all around tonic.

I also drink a glass of aloe vera juice per day. It has all kinds of good properties, but is esp. known for its effectiveness in keeping the solids plumbing working well. There a prescriptin for you, Spaw! Tastes good, but you can put it with o.j. etc. if you don't like it.**BG**

Let's see, are you bored, yet? Just one other thing: Bach Flower Remedy; I always have some of their "Rescue Rememdy" on hand, in tincture form, to place under my tongue when something has happened which is hugely upsetting, physically or emotionally. My acupuncturist also has it in a cream form to rub on the skin. I've used the tincture many times, not just for myself, but also with family and friends.

IMO, it's best to keep a balance; there is good and bad in all paths. We have to go with what feels right for us and listen to our bodies and hearts. Just one more note, what feels/tastes good is not always what is best for us!

