The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45608   Message #675175
Posted By: The Pooka
23-Mar-02 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ruins on Mars???
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
LH - Have you seen Nixon *lately*? This worries me y'see. Not about you; about him. Now this may be a side-effect of reading the "Thatcher Speaks No More" thread where our more-civilized cousins the Brits are hollering about interment at the crossroads with stakes through the heart. But if anybody spots a shifty-eyed ski-nosed visage embedded in the Martian mountains, be very afraid. Of course NASA probably wouldn't acknowledge the discovery. All those smart-ass scientists are Jews y'know, Billy.

Greg Stephens - *LOL*!

Amos - seriously now - structures & behaviors, or whatever they are, which might be at the root nature of all matter is *not yet a scientific question*?? Are you Stringing us along, here? Granted that the Last Word is not Witten, but does he know about this? And if LH is selling on the opposite side, who's Hawking on this one? OK OK, yes I'm bluffing & trying to provoke you; but it's in a Good Cause. Teach us. Really.