The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45608   Message #675485
Posted By: Amos
24-Mar-02 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ruins on Mars???
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???

All I meant was that there is a cosmology which believes that life is not created by matter (a product of structures somehow developing behavior) but rather the other way around -- that Bergson's elan vital is somehow the organizing influence which makes the leap from chaos to order and from stimulus-response to understanding and intent happen.

However, our scientific legacy steers unly to the materially reproducible construct as ameans to knowing, and life being what it is according to this ontology, it is doubtful whether it will ever consent to act as compliasnt, consistant and reproducible under study as material science expects it to.

This is one of the methodological hurdles that are faced by experiments like Puthoffs at SRI, and Rhine at Duke -- they are constrained by a matter-based methodology, but trying to measure (theoretically) the very source of qualitas, which is like trying to force clear mountain spring water into a toothpaste tube.

Therefore it will take a long period of evolution before the twain ever meet with some sort of competency in measuring or understanding.

End of burble....

