The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10084   Message #67593
Posted By: Rick Fielding
02-Apr-99 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: Pete Seeger's pseudonym
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger's pseudonym
You may be thinking of "Paul Campbell" which was the name they used to copyright a lot of traditional material recorded by the Weavers and others. From reading stuff that Pete has written I think he's quite embarrased that they were talked into this by their management. Others who did this but were not in the "good guys" circle, like the Kingston Trio, Brothers Four, Hiwaymen, etc. got a HUGE amount of flack from "Sing Out", Irwin Silber, and Pete himself. Apparently they were told that if they didn't claim sole authorship, someone else with impure motives WOULD! Must have been a hell of a dichotemy for Pete when all of a sudden Weavers' records started selling in the millions! By the way, the version of "Flowers" that most folks have sung for 45 years was partly written by Joe Hickerson.