The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45700   Message #676653
Posted By: GUEST,Bill Kennedy
26-Mar-02 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Fuck-All tae dae wi' music ljc (bawdy)
Subject: RE: Fuck-All tae dae wi' music ljc
ballocks - you can pray out loud anytime anywhere, just don't MAKE students in classrooms have to pray or make it awkward for students to decline to do so. Pray on the street, pray in a building, out loud, anytime, but don't require others to join in, and not under the auspices of governmental agencies, including school boards and administrations.

How hard is this to understand?

No one is taking away your rights, so stop encroaching on others rights. The US is NOT, I repeat, NOT a 'Christian Nation'. It wasn't founded as one, it will never become one. It is a secular country that allows the freedom of practice of any and all religions, and does not sponsor a State religion. This 'Nation under God' thing didn't begin until the 1950's, with the Red scare of 'Godless' Communism, which was just a ruse to get the 'good Christian folk' to join the anti-Communism, and anti-union, and anti-Socialism crusade. And, sadly, it worked. Communism and Socialism as systems are not evil though particular regimes may be. What do you think is the system under which nuns and monls and priests live if not Communism? From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs. They give up thier worldy goods and give a life of service and in return they are housed and fed and given a little spending money to do with what they like (a generalisation, but basically sound). & Northern Europe has many Socialist states that support or allow religious practices. The Soviet Union did not. Cuba is beginning to.

So the great evil of Communism, that it is godless and suppresses religious practice is not a part of its philosophy, any more than the US Constitution is in anyway a testament to the Christian beliefs of its creators.

Practice whatever religion you like, just don't make everyone else have to join you. Leave our schools alone. Get out of our government and look to your own salvation in your churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, shrines and homesand in your daily lives.

And every now and then we can all get together and sing some good old time hymns we all know and love, whether we believe in what they espouse or not!

And why is it a surprise that this was written by a teen? Shakespeare it ain't, but it's not bad, it scans pretty well, but teens are pretty smart, inteligent, generaly ok folk. Leave em alone, give them some space to hang out, do thier thing, and they'll be ok.