The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45700   Message #676775
Posted By: Willie-O
26-Mar-02 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Fuck-All tae dae wi' music ljc (bawdy)
Subject: RE: Fuck-All tae dae wi' music ljc
Wey-ell, Ah'm confused.

Most posters here are assuming this is about (aboot) the US of A. John, aren't you still in Newfoundland? (a province where a religious-based school system has been the norm until very recently--change is occurring now, I believe. Is that what prompted this?)

And anywhere that is enjoying a neo-conservative governmental regime, it ain't exactly a "freedom scene" in high school. Dress codes, limited arts options, and lots of uninspired fact-cramming passing for a "new curriculum"--I'm speaking as a parent of a very bright 15-year-old who is flunking out of grade 10 because it won't meet her halfway (and neither will she).

We fought and won the battle against compulsory school prayer and "religious education" years ago. I'm still glad about that, but there's little more to cheer for in the current educational regime.

And someone who would lump together "vampires, witchcraft and totem poles", in an apparently negative context, needs a broadening of horizons more than a prayer meeting.