The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45700   Message #676943
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
26-Mar-02 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Fuck-All tae dae wi' music ljc (bawdy)
Subject: RE: Fuck-All tae dae wi' music ljc
"As a Jew who was forced to learn the Lord's Prayer when I went to school..." But surely it's really a Jewish prayer anyway to start with? (The only problem with it, according to this rabbi, appears to when people call it "the Lord's Prayer" rather than the Our Father. It's always been the Our Father for me.

"Some other kids might make fun of you if your lips move too much, but kids are cruel." So that's all right? And that doesn't interfere with the freedom to worship?

I think there is much more danger that a ban on public prayer is likely to generate fundamantalism than the reverse. If people laugh at you for praying in public and you go ahead and pray in public anyway, that's very brave - but you could be well on the way towards becoming vulnerable to fanaticism. Whatever your religion.