The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45700   Message #676955
Posted By: Willie-O
26-Mar-02 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Fuck-All tae dae wi' music ljc (bawdy)
Subject: RE: Fuck-All tae dae wi' music ljc
It's pretty sad to see a parent who has been through personal tragedy simultaneously disclaim any sympathy the NRA while acting as a mouthpiece for their most cherished and often-repeated piece of nonsense the "guns don't kill people" argument. Which is PURE BULLSHIT.

And by the way, re "no amount of gun laws can can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre." Well, I beg to differ. A teenager tried to re-enact his version of Columbine in a high school two miles from the one I went to (in Ottawa). This occurred on the first anniversary of the massacre. Guess what: he stabbed five people including himself. They all lived.

Cause he couldn't get a gun...


There ain't no God...obviously.