The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45608   Message #677113
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Mar-02 - 11:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ruins on Mars???
Subject: RE: BS: Ruins on Mars???
Elvis was a marvelous singer, Bert! And in the early days he was an incredible live performer, but dinna fergit, Ah grew up oan folk music not rock 'n roll. It was the lyrical aspect of Elvis that left me uninterested. Musically he was superb, but if the song lyrics do not grab me I can hardly be bothered.

Elvis sang silly rock songs. Dylan sings songs that mean a whole lot on a whole bunch of different levels. Elvis's body language was revolutionary, but Dylan's thoughts were revolutionary. That's the dividing line for me. I am not into music just for fun, I'm into it for transformation.

But what puzzles me is...why are people always willing to give their "left" nut? What is it about the "right" nut that makes it totally indispensable? Answer me that? :-)

- LH